For decades and centuries, Kumari VDC has remained as an isolated and backward area in terms of development. Poverty, illiteracy, poor health status, unemployment and other socio- economic disparities have prevented the local community from all spheres of development opportunities. Kumari Coffee Company in this regard is not only oriented towards profit making but also helping the disadvantaged groups and communities with multi-dimensional programs specially in areas of health, education and livelihood options by allocating certain percentage budget from the profit it earns by selling its products.

Educational Programs
It’s often hard for the rural parents to afford for their children education because of their poor financial status. The increasing drop outs rate in the elementary education system in rural hills has further pushed the children into multi-faceted vulnerabilities. This poses the biggest threat on children’ life-long learning process for their career development. Kumari Coffee Company supports the poor and needy children through different educational support programs. Additionally, it helps to build school infra-structures and also develop professional capacity of the teachers which eventually contributes for developing an access for quality education for all the children.

Health Program
Better health facility is the pre-condition for healthy and happy life. But in an accessible geography like of Kumari VDC, many people are prevented from basic health facilities which eventually lead them to ill health most often with chronic health problems. Due to poverty, they can hardly imagine to afford for regular check up and me dication which ultimately leads them to further vulnerabilities even to the extent of unexpected deaths. Considering this fact, Kumari Coffee Company provides technical and financial support to locally managed health post so that poor and needy people from the catchment area can have better health facilities on time.

Humanitarian Support
People from rural hills and mountains are vulnerable in many aspects. They remain desperate and helpless during natural disasters like flood, landslide, fire, epidemic and earthquake. Kumari Coffee Company takes an initiation for supporting the victims with possible relief package in collaboration with helping hands during such humanitarian crisis. It further aims to reach many needy children and poor people affected from illiteracy, chronic poverty, ill health and natural disasters with educational and other humanitarian supports.

Promotion of Agro-Tourism
The green coffee field located in the Himalayan foothills of Kumari, is an attractive destination for sightseeing and refreshment. It offers panoramic views of incredible natural beauty, green farmland on the lap of hills and unique geographical position with a varied elevation from 1300- 2700 m. from the sea level. This land carries huge possibility for the promotion of agro-tourism through the production of organic coffee in large scale. Building a systematic coffee production and distribution centre will attract many coffee farmers, lovers and tourists as well that will eventually harness potential of local tourism. Furthermore, we can also explore the possibility of trekking tourism with homestay facilities in this geography which further helps in generating work opportunity at local level. This provides employment opportunity to many jobless youths, seasonal farmers and rural people which will ultimately help minimizing labour migration to the Gulf countries for employment opportunities. The increasing number of tourists visiting every nook and corners of Kumari, will directly benefit the local community with additional income. The flow of tourists will further create conducive atmosphere for sharing knowledge, information and best practices as to improve local farming. Considering these facts, our team has been taking initiatives for the promotion of agro-tourism in Kumari which will have significant impact in improving the living condition of local people there.

Livelihood Program
The chronic poverty has complicated the life of large section of population in the VDC and leaves them with untold frustration. Increasing vulnerability seasoned with lack of livelihood opportunities and other income sources have adverse impact in the health, education and daily survival of the people. Especially women and children are being directly affected by socio-economic disparities. In this scenario, Kumari Coffee Company is committed to empower the disadvantaged communities/groups with various income generating skills such as coffee/vegetable farming. It encourages local youths and seasonal farmers with seed money to start up income generating profession. This livelihood program is expected to make important contribution for the development of local entrepreneurship in general and economic upliftment of local community in particular.